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Tikkunim for Pgam Habris
Methods Revealed in the Kabbalah to Rectify the Damage

Likutay Tefilos for Shmiras Habris - Powerful prayers based on the teachings of Rebbe Nachman of Breslov to merit Shmiras Habris.

Secondary options for a Mikvah - For the worst case scenario when a person cant make it to the Mikvah that day.

The Tikunim of the ARI - Not meant for most people but if you think you can then go for it.

Divine Names for Tikkun Habris - A number of names to meditate on to help remove impure thoughts. Also good for the Mikvah

Tikkun of Shay Tivilos - Immersing 310 times in a mikvah is a very large tikkun for keri

Confess your sins - A rather effective Tikkun that is brought down by Rebbe Nachman and many other Kabbalists.

Hillulas of the Tzadikim - List of all the days on the Hebrew calendar that are powerful times to do tikkunim.

Tikkun Chatzot - Each and every Jew should rise each and every night to mourn over the destruction of the Bais Hamikdosh.

Tikun Hayom – Tikkunim to do on a day that a person sees keri.

The Tikkun of Studying Talmud - Learning Gemorah is also a part of the Tikkun process

Umon Umon Rosh Hashanah
- Who wouldn't listen to the promise of Rebbe Nachman.

Kavanot for Rock Under Pillow - Some easy kavanot for this Tikkun.

Kavanot for Sack - Some easy kavanot for this Tikkun.

Kavanot for Ashes - Some easy kavanot for this Tikkun.

Important's of Studying Zohar - Reading Zohar even without understanding it is still a very large Tikkun

Kavanot for Amen Yehe Shmeh Rabbah - Greatly weakens the Klipah of Amalek which is the cause of Tumat Keri also helps rectify past sins.

First Four Chapters of Tehilim - A segula to say before going to sleep to be saved from Keri. Has Shem Havaya with nikud of Bris.

Pesukim for Tikkun Habris - 10 Pesukim to recite.

Pesukim from Ramban for Protection - The 10 Pesukim lineup with the ten Sefirot and the four letters of the Shem Havayah

Tikun Mem Ches - From Tikkunay Zohar a known Segulah for Keri and for Tikkun Habris.

Rebbe Nassons Prayer for Tikkun Haklali - A prayer from Rebbe Nachmans main disciple to recite after saying the Tikkun Haklali

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