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Torah About Shmiras Habris
This Section Contains Sources from the Holy Sefarim about Shmiras Habris as well as Technical and Detailed Articles about this Topic

The Sin of Wasting Seed - As brought down in Halacha and the various Sefarim.

Books of Rebbe Nachman of Breslov - All the complete books of Rebbe Nachman for free download.

Mamar Tikkun Hyesod - from Rebbe Aharon Ruteh in Sefer Taharas Hakodesh

Sources for Shmiras Hamachshava - Different quotes from various sefarim about guarding the mind from thinking impure thoughts

Regarding the Zohar that there is no Teshuvah for Pgam Habris - many people get very scared when they hear about this Zohar but as Rebbe Nachman says there is no sin that can not be repaired.

The Power of the Mikvah - from Rebbe Aharon Ruteh in Sefer Taharas Hakodesh

Rebbe Nachman of Breslev on Shmiras Habris - Various quotes from Likutay Maharan

It is Forbidden to Have Impure Thoughts - A summary of the laws of guarding the mind from impurity

Tikkun of Sack and Ashes - Sources showing that this is a traditional and important part of Teshuvah.

A number of E-books on Shmiras Habris - The books of Rabbi Sholom Yehuda Gross, contain a lot of information.

Zos Brisi - Guide to Shmiras Habris using Litvish - Yeshivish approach

A number of E-books on Breslov Topics - Pamphlets by Livnay Torah on topics such as happiness and the teachings of Rebbe Nachman of Breslov. (PDF Hebrew)

The final redemption will come in merit of Tikun Yesod -
(Hebrew) taken mostly from Taharas Hakodesh (PDF Hebrew)

You Shall Guard My Covenant - A guide to raising children who will be Shomer Habris. Has a lot of Haskamot. (PDF Hebrew)

Ginzay Hamelech - From the Holy Kabbalist Rebbe Yackov Abuchtzerah, grandfather of the Baba Sali. About Shmiras Habris. 70 chapters line up with the 70 Tikkunim from the Zohar.

Kuntres Shmiras Hyesod - Has alot of advice on controlling the eyes and the mind (PDF Hebrew)

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