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The Tikkun of Shay Tivilos (310 Immersions)

The Tikkun of Shay Tivilos is to immerse in a Mikvah 310 times.

Rebbe Nachman writes in Sefer Hamidos that doing this tikkun of immersing in a mikvah 310 times brings Yirah – fear of Hashem.

A person that wants to strengthen himself in the attribute of fear of Heaven he should do this Tikkun a number of times. If a person brings upon him fear of Heaven then it will prevent him from committing many sins.

Immersing in a Mikvah 310 times is also a very big Tikkun for keri (nocturnal emission) this is alluded to in gematryah of keri which is 310.

The most preferable place to do this tikkun is is a mayyan, a natural spring. A lake or the ocean is one level down but better then a regular mikvah. Doing this Tikkun in a regular mikvah is also very effective.

The most effective way to do the Tikkun is to immerse fully 310 times. Each time raising the head above the water. With each immersion remain under the water for a number of seconds and meditate on the series of divine names for Tikkun Habris.

The above could take a while and one has to be able to control his thoughts for that duration. If you can not do that, then just take the name Ches-Bes-Vav and flash it in your minds eye with each immersion.

Since this is a very big tikkun for Keri a person should try to do Shay Tvilos every time he experiences keri, heaven forbid. Since most people are tight on time, simply do it in a regular mikvah using the following method.

Empty all the air out of your lungs, so that you can stay underwater without holding on to anything. Next immerse fully. Now raise one hand in a way that only one finger remains above the water. Then, bend down the finger and pull your hand down a drop, until you are positive that it is fully covered by the water of the mikvah. After that, raise your hand to the same position and do it again. One has to be careful that when he immerses his finger it is covered in water and when he raises it, he gives it a second for the bulk of the water to drip down.

This should be done in 5 sets of 62, or break them up into more or less depending on how many you can handle. This should all be done very smoothly and calmly to guarantee that the immersions were proper. If done this way, the whole tikkun can be done in3-4 minutes.

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