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Shmiras Habris
Articles, Stories and Guides on How to Remain Holy

This page also contains articles about tznius/modesty
until a website is created specifically for women.

Tikkun Habris - Severity of the Sin of Spilling Seed, ways to stop and how to rectify the damage.

Advice how to be Shomer Habris - A number of tips and useful advice on how to be Shomer habris.

How can I start being Shomer Habris ? - Advice that can be used to gain control over ones desires.

Even Yeshivish People have to go to the Mikvah - Some people are a little narrow minded so they should read this.

The Foolishness of Pgam Habris - Chazal say look at the loss verse the reward.

Practical Guide to Going to the Mikvah - For a person who feels uncomfortable going to the Mikvah.

Shmiras Habris - From Rabbi Rosenfeld Tape based on the teachings of Rebbe Nachman of Breslov

Regarding people that use the internet for prizut - Most people think that no one is watching.

Books on Tikkun Habris - A list of further books in English and Hebrew on this topic that can be used for further research.

Ways to Prevent Tumat Keri - Although Keri happens against a persons will it still causes spiritual damage. Here is a list of ways to help prevent this from happening

The Guide to Using the Restroom - Some basic instructions and Halachos that have to be followed

Stories about Tznius - Various stories about the important's of women acting and dressing modestly.

Segulot to Get Married - A list of things a person can do to help him find his true soul mate.

Article on Shmiras Habris - Has advice and tips on how to be Shomer Habris.

Moshiach will come in merit of those that are Shomer Habris - Who wouldn't want to be from those people that will bring about the arrival of Mashiach

The Tests of Yosef - Yosef Hatzadik paved the path for all those who wish to be Shomer Habris

Parables – Regarding Shmiras Habris
- A nice parable from Rebbe Nachman

Reasons Not to Watch Movies - There are some people that do not comprehend the severity of watching movies, we are therefore posting reasons to refrain from doing so.

Questions and Answers
- Here are some of the questions that were sent to us, and the answers sent back.

Being Pogem Habris Causes Poverty - One of the main reasons that a person has problems earning a living is because he was Pogem Habris.

Burn the Shatyle - Quotes from well known Chareidi Rabbis in unified opposition against the use of modern shaytels.

Pasuk for safety - A pasuk to say when walking out the door. This will help keep a person physically safe on his trip as well as help him be Shomer Anayim (Guard his eyes from improper things). Also includes story behind it (Hebrew).

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