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Mamar Tikun Hyesod from Rebbe Aharon Ruteh

Rebbe Aharon Ruteh is buried on Har Hazesim.
He said, "Don't you dare visit my Kever unless you are Shomer Habris".

Rabbi Aharon Rateh also wrote that a big Tikun for Pgam Habris is to get other people to do Teshuvah and give them information on Tikun Habris. However sometimes a person can give the wrong information and hurt the person instead of helping him. He then writes that whoever gives out his book Taharas Hakodesh is guaranteed that his doing the right thing.
Therefore Print out this Page and hand it out to as many people as you can. Just be careful not to embarrass any one in the process.

[This is a shortened version and we are only writing over the simple concepts, we strongly recommend you buy a Taharas Hkodesh and read the full teachings.]

There are many Sefarim that bring down Tikunim, however most of them were not written for this generation. It is very good for people to read them, so they should realize the severity of the sin and the consequences of their actions. However when it comes to the actual Tikun it doesn't help at all, in fact it makes thing much worse. For which man exists in today's generation that can do all of these Tikunim. When a person sees all these Tikunim he starts shivering from helplessness. The Tikunim are many and harsh and most people do not have the time and energy to do them. Instead when they see them they think they are helplessly lost and they totally give up. All this is to no gain, in fact it makes things much worse.

In addition many of the Tikunim brought down, involve doing certain Mitzvot in great joy and with powerful meditations. However someone who was Pogem Habris is almost certainly cut off from holiness and is very far from doing this even if he wanted to.

There are a number of Tikunim that everyone could do and they are relatively easy. With them one can fix much of the damage.

First one should understand a little of the severity of this sin.

It is brought down in the Writings of the ARI that this sin causes to increase impurity, the creation of Klipot and external forces and gives them more energy then any other sin. In addition he causes from anew the Shattering of the Vessels.

Woe, Woe, for one who has studied the wisdom of Kabbalah, realizes how far the damage reaches. Each time,. he gives over from the camps of holiness to the Klipot. He uproots souls from above and hands them over to the 'external ones'. These souls become captive and are in great pain and suffering. Each time a person does this sin, he causes the creation of numberless klipot who take on the image of pigs and dogs. These stick to him while he is alive and they are called his 'sons'. When he dies these two sets of Klipot, the Pigs and Dogs do not leave him until they wreck vengeance on him with horrible punishments. He is also punished in burning excrement in the lower chambers. Even after all this he must undergo many reincarnations. He is considered a murderer and a spiller of blood he is called A Slaughterer of Children.

After seeing all this, who is an utter depleted fool who will say "let me do as I want" and will throw away his soul to everlasting doom. Who is foolish enough not to try and rectify his soul. A person has no idea at what point he will pass on and have to return his soul to his maker. Everyday, one sees strong healthy people suddenly drop dead.

Who would not hurry and start doing Tikunim. It is only because people look in the sefarim and see the severe Tikunim that they give up and do not do anything. Especially when their evil inclination reminds them of the Zohar that there is no way to rectify their sin (we already wrote on this zohar that it should not be taken literally). They then totally give up, this has happened many times.

One forgets that the whole world is created on Teshuvah and every sin can be fixed. Even Menashe the wicked king of Yehuda who built a deity in middle of the Temple and committed every despicable sin in the world, in the end Hashem accepted his Teshuvah. King Achav on whom it is written that the sins of Yerovom were miner compared to his, Hashem accepted his Teshuvah. Even Yerovam who caused the whole Yisroel to sin, Hashem offered him a chance to repent. Even Alish ben Avuha who heard a heavenly voice decreeing "Return all my sinning children except Acher" it is brought down from all the Kabbalist that if he would have been stubborn his Teshuvah would have for sure been accepted by heaven.

Even in the Zohar itself we see in a number of places that this sin can be forgiven. We also see that even if a person committed adultery this does not stand in the way of his Teshuvah.

In the Zohar in Vyikrah it says that all those that sinned with a Nidah, Non Jew, …. Each has a special place in Gehenum where they are severely punished. Then it says that if they did repent while they were still alive on them it says in Yishayah "I have erased your sins like a cloud" their sins are erased from above, their sins are erased from below.

You see that all the sins in the Torah including the sins dealing with Pgam Habris are erased after Teshuvah. The flaws are erased from above, below, Gehenum and from all places. Even the Tana in the Zohar who said that there is no repentance, there are some version that add a clause to his teaching stating that that is only when he did not do Teshuvah. Meaning that even this Tana agrees that when a person does serious Teshuvah his sins are forgiven. From there and from other places in the Zohar there no doubt that Teshuvah does work. Heaven forbid for any one to say that Teshuvah doesn’t work. Whoever says this is causing people to sin and is preventing people from doing Teshuvah. We should all remember that the world was created for people to do Teshuvah.

However one should realize that Tikun Habris is not a simple thing. Someone who was Pogem Habris flawed all his limbs and sinews. This is not similar to a regular sin where a person only flaws a specific limb. This is obvious for when a person is Pogem Habris every part of his body takes part in the action, as it is known to all doctors. There is no lust that is bigger then this lust, of doing varies Pegami Habris.

The other way is also true. Someone who is Shomer Habris and guards himself on every level is wanted in all the worlds. Some one who guards the Bris is called Tzadik Yesod Olam (Holy foundation of the world). Lucky is his lot and portion, fortunate are his ancestors. It is known from all the Kabbalah Sefarim that even if a person sinned, if he then repents and fully rectifies the Bris he is then also called Tzadik.

Therefore do not get scared of all the harsh Tikunim and say to yourself that they are imposable to do. For here is a list of very effective Tikunim that are relatively easy to do. Most of the list is based upon the teachings of the Holy ARI, in front of whom were revealed the deepest mysteries, and the paths to rectify the souls of Yisroel until all generations.

The Tikunim

The main Tikunim for the attribute of Yesod and Pgam Habris can be broken into five Tikunim. These Tikunim can be done by any Jew, even the lowest of the low. He just has to commit to not sin from now and on. For if he remains in his rebellion and returns to his perverted acts, then it is as if he is dipping in a Mikvah while holding a dead impure creature in his hand.

However there are many people that have sinned so many times that they are extremely controlled by their evil inclination and his desires. They feel that it is totally imposable to stop since they are bound to it, by their numerous sins. These people are in great pain for they realize how severe their actions are, only they have no control over their will, to be able to stop doing these acts. These people should still do these Tikunim, for in the end with the help of Hashem, the powers of holiness will win. For Hashem saves a poor person, from one who is stronger and stealing from him. This is known to be referring to the evil inclination, stealing from a person who has no energy or vessels to fight him off. Despite that he him self cased the weakness, when he tries his hardest to fight Hashem helps him out and in the end he will win.

Therefore be strong, for even if you have sinned so many times that they can not be counted, do not give up. The mercy and kindness of Hashem are without limit and he wants nothing more then to have all sinners repent. Be strong for the more sins you have done the bigger your Teshuvah is considered when you finally do repent. As it says in Yechezkiel "Am I interested in the death of a wicked person, said Hashem. No I am interested in him returning from his ways so he may live." In the Sefer of the Rokach it says that, the second a person has a thought of doing Teshuvah, immediately this thought rises up before Hashem.

The First Tikun

Immersion in the Mikvah

When a person wants to start doing Teshuvah the first Tikun should be to go to the Mikvah. This is not only something he should do when he firsts starters doing Teshuvah, every time a person goes to the Mikvah he causes a huge mighty Tikun for Pgam Habris. (There is a lot more on mikvah in Mamar Mikveh Yisroel ) http://www.truekabbalah.org/pages/Documents4/k00204.htm

The Secound Tikun

Fasting Eighty Four Times (Or redeeming the fasts with charity)

It is brought down in the Kitvay ARI that the Tikun for Pgam Habris is to fast eighty four times. Some one who has sinned many times, should do this at least three times. Who ever can do the fasts themselves this is certainly the best, fortunate is he.

However in this weak generation, there are only a few people that can handle the actual fasting. Especially since most people have sinned many times and must do this Tikun three times. Therefore one must redeem these fasts. While it is for sure better to do the actual fasting with the Kavanot of the ARI, however Hashem does not expect people to do things that are imposable for them. In this generation it is many times forbidden to torture ones self by fasting, since it can cause him to become sick. Once a person is sick heaven forbid, then he is totally in the control of the Yetzer Hara and he for sure does not have energy to do Teshuvah at all.

The advice for every person who wishes to rectify his soul is to do the following. Every year he should set aside the monetary equivalence for eighty four meals and give it to charity. It is very good to do this every year. The best time to do this is during the ten days of Teshuvah between Rosh Hashnah and Yom Kipor, or during the weeks of SHOVAVIM or during the counting of the Omer. All these times are very auspicious for Tikun Habris. Even if a person is in a very tight financial situation he should try to do this every year with great sacrifice. He should make sure to do it at least once during his life.

On the actual day that the person does this Tikun, he should try to fast. Or if he is very weak he should fast half a day until Chatzot. At Chatzot he should do the Pidyon, then he can eat. On this day he should also be very careful not to speak Lashon Hara, get angry or get into fights and arguments.

The Third Tikun

To Cry About The Fact That He Was Pogem Habris

It is brought down in the Writings of the ARI that when someone is Pogem Habris he greatly strengthens the side of impurity. Each time he causes many sparks of holiness to be given over to the external forces through the drops of seed that went to waste.

The Kabbalists also write that when a person sheds tears from his eyes over this sin. With each tear he raises one drop of seed. For each time he was Pogem, many drops came out of him, now with each tear he nullifies one drop.

There are many places in the Zohar that speak of the effectiveness of tears.

The reason tears are so effective is because they stem from the level of Chuchma and Pgam Habris stems from Dass in Chuchmah. One sees he can only spill seed by building up the desire with his will and knowledge (Dass). In fact the more Dass he put into the seed, meaning the more bound he was to his fantasies, the worst the damage is. The Ari writes that each time a person sins he gives a sword to the Yetzer, this is the sword of the wicked Esav, he then ascends to the source of the souls and cuts off a holy soul. From this he creates a huge fearsome Klipah. This causes great darkness in all the worlds, and this flaws the Upper Knowledge.

Now he does the opposite and with the deepest part of his will and knowledge he regrets his sins, until he sheds tears. He forcefully pulls up the holy sparks from the Klipah. When he raises these sparks many times they drag up with them sparks from other people who sinned as well. When the neighboring sparks see his sparks redeemed they become very jealous and force their way up as well. He therefore causes great rectifications as he cries.

Another reason is because the whole sin stems from the eyes. A person does not sin unless he first looks with his eyes, his heart then desires and his actions complete the sin. Therefore when he cries he is also fixing his eyes.

Even a person whose heart is so clogged up fro his actions that he can not cry, yet yells and moans as he tries his hardest to regret his action. This person, Hashem considers it as if he is crying. On this the verse says "He hears the sound of tears" meaning the sound even though there are no tears.

However fortunate is the one who actually does cry. If a person prays to Hashem to give him the power to cry, then in the end he will be able to cry.

However when a person cries he must be careful of three things.

Firstly he should be very careful not to become haughty when he thinks of what a big Tikun he is doing. Since crying is so big they try their hardest to trip him with haughtiness.

Secondly after one cries, many times he feels as if a large load was lifted from him. True, he did do a large Tikun but he should not think that just because he was able to cry a number of times that he had total fixed his sin. The sins he did caused a lot of damage and it is only by constantly doing Tikunim that he manages to erase them completely.

The Third thing is not to let the crying lead you into a state of depression. Depression is very bad and it can only hurt you. Therefore when he is done crying he should say the following. "Master of the earth, I believe with full faith that you are merciful and large to forgive, and surely you will stretch out your right hand to accept my repentance." After this he should try his hardest to make himself happy. He should sing a song if necessary.

The Kabbalists teach that there are two main places where a persons sins are reveled, on his forehead and on his hands. Therefore when a person cries he should take his tears and rinse his hands and forehead to help erase the marks of his sins.

The Forth Tikun

To Do The Kavanot of Tikah Bshofer (in the amidah 18 prayer)

[we are putting the easy kavanot here, the full ones we will B"H post separately]

{WARNING all the Divine names should only be used in thought, DO NOT PURNOUNCE THEM, meditate on them in your minds eye for the best of your ability.}

When you say the prayer meditate on the letters ALEF,CHET,HEH,AYIN which equal 84.

When he says the phrase Yachad Marba Kanfos he should meditate that the second to last letters are the holy name CHET,BAIS.VAV.

Meditate that Knfos has same gematriyah as Tikun KAF,NUN,PEH,VAV,TAV = TAV,KUF,VAV,NUN

Before you seal the Bracha say the following prayer

May it be your will our G-D and the G-D of our fathers that every single drop of seed from me that went to waste, whether on purpose or by accident, whether it occurred through thoughts or actions, whether in this reincarnation or in a past reincarnation, and were swallowed up by the Klipot. Now the Klipot should vomit these sparks of seed that they had swallowed up, in merit of the awesome name coming from the verse "Might that they swallowed they will vomit" CHES<BAIS<VAV and in honor of your great name (combine the name YKVK with the name CBV YUD<CHES<HEH<BAIS<VAV<VAV<HEH.

Also in the simple translation of the blessing, have in mind that you are gathering all the sparks from the Klipot.

Do these kavanot three times a day in the amidah of all three prayers.

Occasionally leave out the prayer so you wouldn't be permanently adding to the prayer set by our sages.

The Fifth Tikun

The Reading of Shemah


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