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Being Pogem Habris Causes Poverty

A person who is Pogem Habris causes much damage in the spiritual worlds. One of the main side effects of this is he damages the spiritual pipelines that bring down substance to him.

This is obvious to anyone who has stumbled in this sin. In addition it is mentioned in many of the holy sefarim including the Kitzur Shulchan Aruch, who writes straight out that this sin causes him to come to poverty (151 – 1)

See what the Holy Kabalist the Rokach writes about this…

We have a tradition in our hands and it has also been tested and proven, that anyone who regularly commits the sin of wasting seed, even if he was born under good mazal it turns into bad mazal. This will cause him to be a very unsuccessful person and everything that he does and all business ventures that he tries will not work out. Even if he has gold in his hand with his bad luck it will turn into copper.

This is a punishment given in equivalence to his actions. He sent his hands and defiled his bris, the Bris Kodesh, therefore all the ventures of his hands, Hashem will send curse upon them, until he becomes a complete pauper all his days. On this it is written “Woe to the rasha for the actions of his hands will be paid back to him” (Yishayah 3).

This is alluded to in the fact that Mazal (MZL) is the acronym for Motzie Zera Lvatalah. An additional result of this sin is it causes a person to be thrown around, constantly forcing him to travel from one place to the other. This is due to the fact that the place where he spilled seed will not be able to tolerate him and he will be thrown to another place.

This is the mystery that the pasuk “and the land will not vomit you when you defile it, as it has vomited the nations that that lived there before you.” (Vayikra 18)

(Rokach in Sefer Hashem)

After all this has been said a person should still remember that he can always do Teshuvah. The more tikkunim and teshuvah a person does the more his situation improves. Even a person who was Pogem Habris many times if he does enough Tikkunim can still receive a lot of money.

There are people that are Pogem Habris and still have money. This is because they are big Reshaim and receive all their substance from the Sitra Acher. The Klipot have complete control over these people and simply use them as a channel to forward energy to themselves. Proof of this is that if any of these people would seriously start doing Teshuvah they would lose their money and energy very fast. A person should not be thrown down by this, since these people are in much worse shape then anyone else and will be punished severely after death.

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