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Questions and Answers #4
Here are some of the questions that were sent to us, and the answers sent back.
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Q       Why do you say that Hisbodedute is the most powerful Tikkun?

Hisbodedute is basically begging Hashem for something over and over again. If a person is consistent in this, he will be answered.

Q      Where can I learn the tricks and various methods of doing Hisbodedute?

There are many tips to doing Hisbodedute that are spread throughout the books of Breslov. B"H we will compile and post them on the site at one point.

Q      An hour of Hisbodedute each day seems like an awful long time.

A      An hour is a long time and is very hard to do every day but that is the recommended amount for the strongest results. If an hour is not possible then do hisbodedute for a smaller period of time, as long as it is consistent every day.

Q      I have just started being Shomer Habris and I feel that I have no control over my thought process.

A      If a person continues being Shomer Habris and constantly does tikkunim he begins gaining more and more control over himself.

Q     Sometimes I feel that I do not have any control over myself as I commit a sin.

A        It is true that sometimes a persons actions are influenced by the Klipot that he created. Nevertheless when it comes down to it, he does have the final say or at least he could control himself in the beginning before he places himself so deep in a situation.

Q    How do I know that I am on the right path?

A    If you follow the teachings of Rebbe Nachman of Breslov you are guaranteed to be on the right path.

Q       I have sinned in the past even though I was aware of the severity of my actions. How can I now do Hisbodedute and talk to Hashem after I have done such things?

A       No matter how bad a person sinned, Hashem wants him to do Hisbodedute. If a person does hisbodedute, in the end he will receive his tikkun. The yetzer will work his hardest to convince a person that he is too impure and should be embarrassed to talk to Hashem. This is a lie, use azus dkedusha and do Hisbodedute anyway.

Q   When I first started being Shomer Habris everything went well but now things are starting to get tougher.

A      When a person firsts starts doing Teshuvah he is given a lot of energy from above. As time goes on he begins losing this energy. This is to test him if he is really strong in his new commitments. At this point a person must continue doing tikkunim even if it is very hard for him.

Q    How far do I have to go when doing Tikkunim?

A      A person is expected to work hard on Tikkunim. However he must also be stable, if he goes too far then he will cause himself to fall down. It is a double calculation, a person has no excuse to be lazy or to say that doing tikkunim is to hard or harsh for him. Yet at the same time he must know not overstep his boundaries and destroy himself. Every person has to make an honest judgment of the energy he has at that period of time and do Tikkunim to the best of his ability.

Q      I read that there are methods in the Kabbalah that allow a person to go on only 2 hours of sleep a night. Right now I sleep for over 8 hours and this limits my time to do Tikkunim.

A     It is true that many Mekubalim sleep for only 2-3 hours a night but that involves many tikkunim and years of building it up. There is no instant way to achieve this but sleeping 7 hours a night never killed any one.

Q     I have limited time in the morning. What should be my priorities?

A     Your top priority in the morning is to follow the rules in halacha (shachris, netilas yadayim...) after that comes Mikvah and Tikkun Klali after that all other Tikkunim.

Q     Can a non-jew also be holy?

A     It must first be stated that spirituality is not jewish. Every person in the world can have access to spiritual experiences. However there are two sides where the experience can stem from. If a person has not properly purified himself it is very likely that he receives his energy from the Sitra Acher.

It is also possible for a non-jew to receive his energy from the side of Holiness, if he has properly purified himself and acts righteously. However the higher levels are only accessible to a person who is jewish (born or convert).

If a non-jew has a very strong yearning it is possable that there are sparks in his soul that are destined to convert. Once a person has converted he is like any other jew. There were a number of sages and kabbalists throughout the ages that were converts.

Q      Why do many religious teenagers leave the religion?

A      If they would teach some basic kabbalah and the teachings of Rebbe Nachman in Yeshivos, almost no kids would leave the religion. There is not one kid who can not trace the start of his downfall to pgam habris. However there is something called Erev Rav so this is not likely to change, but we can do our part to spread awareness.

Q     Should I start fasting?

A      Fasting is a very big tikkun but before one begins he must know that it will not make him depressed. If one becomes depressed from fasting then it is better that he do other tikkunim instead. There are two elements that can cause it. The first it the actual fasting. The second is the expected results if they do not occur. Meaning, every person will notice the tikkunim if he fasts however if a person was pogem many times he can not expect all the damage to simply disappear with a number of fasts.

Q     Am I allowed to work or sleep while I am fasting?

A     You are allowed to do everything besides eat or drink.

Q     What can I say to get married to someone in particular?

A    In general it is not such a smart idea to do this, since he might not be one of your zivugim and then problems will arise latter on. However if you are older and feel that you really want to marry that specific person then do a lot of Hisbodedute about it and it will probably happen. There are also a number of ways that it can be done using practical kabbalah but we do not advise it, nor will we reveal the methods.

Q     Is it bad for a women to be pogem? Does she also create demons? What can a women do to stop and to rectify her actions?

A     It is bad and strongly effects the state of mind and the emotions.

A women does not create demons but if she makes herself into a vessel for impurity the existing demons and spirits cling to her.

To stop, use the same advice, techniques, tikkunim and prayers that we bring down for men on the Bris Kodesh site.

Q     Where can I find the safer Yesod Yosef in the US.

A      There are a number of prints. Try.....
www.discountseforim.com or www.judaicaplus.com
Just be careful not to confuse it with a musser safer that has the same name.

Q     Do women have to do Tikkunim such as fasting?

A     There are opinions that women should do real tikkunim such as fasting if they are holding by it. However everyone agrees that they should do Tikkunim such as Tikkun Klali, Tehilim and Hisbodedute....

Q      For what sins should women do Tikkunim for?

A      Women should be worried about transgressions such as Chilul Shabbos, Niuf, Causing men to sin and lack of tznius.

Q    Am I allowed to tell people about the Tikkunim and fasts that I did?

A      One should never tell anyone about the Tikkunim they do, especially fasting unless it is absolutely necessary. By telling others it greatly diminishes the effect.

Q     Is fasting an effective Tikkun?

A    Fasting is effective, it is very effective. However like any other Tikkun it removes the damage little by little. If done consistently over time it will really fix a person. There is no tikkun that can fix everything at once. There is one exception to this. Sometimes a person is placed in a huge test, if he passes the test he can undue a very large amount of damage in that one instant. Such an occurrence normally happens by itself and can not be brought about by a person himself

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